cloudflow deploy

Deploys a Cloudflow application to the cluster.


Deploys a Cloudflow application to the cluster. The arguments to the command consists of a docker image path and optionally one or more '[streamlet-name].[configuration-parameter]=[value]' pairs, separated by a space.

Streamlet volume mounts can be configured using the --volume-mount flag. The flag accepts one or more key/value pair where the key is the name of the volume mount, specified as '[streamlet-name].[volume-mount-name]', and the value is the name of a Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim, which needs to be located in the same namespace as the Cloudflow application, e.g. the namespace with the same name as the application.

kubectl cloudflow deploy --volume-mount my-streamlet.mount=pvc-name

It is also possible to specify more than one "volume-mount" parameter.

kubectl cloudflow deploy --volume-mount my-streamlet.mount=pvc-name --volume-mount my-other-streamlet.mount=pvc-name

You can optionally provide credentials for the docker registry that hosts the specified image by using the --username flag in combination with either the --password-stdin or the --password flag.

The --password-stdin flag is preferred because it is read from stdin, which means that the password does not end up in the history of your shell. One way to provide the password via stdin is to pipe it from a file:

cat key.json | kubectl cloudflow deploy --username _json_key --password-stdin

You can also use --password, which is less secure:

kubectl cloudflow deploy --username _json_key -password "$(cat key.json)"

If you do not provide a username and password, you will be prompted for them the first time you deploy an image from a certain docker registry. The credentials will be stored in a Kubernetes "image pull secret" and linked to the Cloudflow service account. Subsequent usage of the deploy command will use the stored credentials.

You can update the credentials with the "update-docker-credentials" command.

kubectl cloudflow deploy [flags]


kubectl cloudflow deploy valid-logger.log-level=info valid-logger.msg-prefix=valid


  -h, --help                       help for deploy
  -p, --password string            docker registry password.
      --password-stdin             Take the password from stdin
  -u, --username string            docker registry username.
      --volume-mount stringArray   Accepts a key/value pair separated by an equal sign. The key should be the name of the volume mount, specified as '[streamlet-name].[volume-mount-name]'. The value should be the name of an existing persistent volume claim.