Build Cloudflow Applications using Maven

The default build tool for Cloudflow applications is sbt but there is support for using Maven to build as well.

In the examples directory you can find some reference projects compiled with Maven. Folders are marked with a mvn- prefix.

The Cloudflow maven plugin can be included in the plugins section:


For Docker we support and integrate the workflow with fabric8 docker-maven-plugin.

Maven Workflow

Using a Cloudflow Maven project you can use the following Maven goals:

  1. package your application in a .jar

  2. cloudflow:extract-streamlets to make the Streamlets implementation available for the next steps

After using the goals mentioned above, you can perform a few interesting commands to analyze and develop your application locally:

  • cloudflow:verify-blueprint will verify that the provided blueprint.conf is valid

  • cloudflow:app-layout will print the graph of interconnections of the streamlets

  • cloudflow:run-local will run the application on forked JVMs locally

To deploy your application to a cluster you instead need the following steps:

  1. docker:build to build the docker images

  2. cloudflow:push-images to push the images to a Docker registry, returning information about the published image digests

  3. cloudflow:build-app to produce the deployable CR file in the topLevel project target directory

Full example

A full example of Maven commands is shown below:

mvn clean
mvn \
  package \
  cloudflow:extract-streamlets \
  docker:build \
  cloudflow:push-images \
  -Ddocker.username=${DOCKER_USERNAME} \
  -Ddocker.password=${DOCKER_PASSWORD} \
mvn cloudflow:build-app

After executing the above maven commands, you are ready to deploy your application to a cluster using:

kubectl cloudflow deploy ./target/<your-application-name>.json


You can easily generate a full project with akka, spark and flink streamlets using the Cloudflow Maven Archetype:

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.lightbend.cloudflow \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=cloudflow-archetype \
  -DarchetypeVersion=2.2.0 \
  -DgroupId=<groupId> \
  -DartifactId=<appId> \


The Maven plugin exposes some configuration keys that can be used to tweak the behavior. You can apply those by adding a configuration section such as:


The available configurations for the goal cloudflow:run-local are:



Specify an alternative configuration file to be used in run-local



Specify an alternative log4j configuration file to be used in run-local



The initial port to be used for exposing JMX debugging



Enable JMX debugging during run-local