
kubectl-cloudflow [ version | list | status | deploy | undeploy | update-docker-credentials | scale | configure | configuration ] [options] <args>...
  • -v, --log-level <value> the logging level

  • --kube-config <value> the kubernetes configuration file

  • --help prints this usage text

Command: version

version [options]


show the current version

  • -o, --output <value> available options are: c or classic, t or table, json, yaml

Command: list

list [options]


list available cloudflow applications

  • -n, --namespace <value> the namespace to be used

  • -o, --output <value> available options are: c or classic, t or table, json, yaml

Command: status

status [options] <cloudflowApp>


show the status of a cloudflow application

  • <cloudflowApp> the name of the cloudflow application

  • -n, --namespace <value> the namespace to be used

  • -o, --output <value> available options are: c or classic, t or table, json, yaml

Command: deploy

deploy [options] <crFile> [config-key]


deploy a cloudflow applications from a cr file

  • --help detailed deploy command help

  • <crFile> the CR file of the cloudflow application

  • -u, --username <value> the docker registry username

  • -p, --password <value> the docker registry password

  • --password-stdin Take the docker registry password from std-in

  • --no-registry-credentials No need for registry credentials (e.g. already in the cluster)

  • --volume-mount <value> Key/value pairs of the volume mounts

  • --scale <value> Key/value pairs of streamlets replicas

  • --conf <value> the configuration file/s in HOCON format

  • config-key the configuration keys for the overrides

  • --logback-config <value> the logback configuration to be applied

  • --unmanaged-runtimes <value> The runtimes that should not be checked

  • --microservices EXPERIMENTAL: Deploy on Akka Cloud Platform

  • -n, --namespace <value> the namespace to be used

  • -o, --output <value> available options are: c or classic, t or table, json, yaml

Command: undeploy

undeploy [options] <cloudflowApp>


undeploy a cloudflow application

  • <cloudflowApp> the name of the cloudflow application

  • -n, --namespace <value> the namespace to be used

  • -o, --output <value> available options are: c or classic, t or table, json, yaml

Command: update-docker-credentials

update-docker-credentials [options] <cloudflowApp> <dockerRegistry>


updates docker registry credentials that are used to pull Cloudflow application images.

  • <cloudflowApp> the name of the cloudflow application

  • -n, --namespace <value> the namespace to be used

  • <dockerRegistry> the name of the docker registry

  • -u, --username <value> the docker registry username

  • -p, --password <value> the docker registry password

  • --password-stdin Take the docker registry password from std-in

  • -n, --namespace <value> the namespace to be used

  • -o, --output <value> available options are: c or classic, t or table, json, yaml

Command: scale

scale [options] <cloudflowApp> [<streamlet>=<replicas>]


scales a streamlet of a deployed Cloudflow application to the specified number of replicas

  • <cloudflowApp> the cloudflow application

  • <streamlet>=<replicas> Key/value pairs of streamlets replicas

  • -n, --namespace <value> the namespace to be used

  • -o, --output <value> available options are: c or classic, t or table, json, yaml

Command: configure

configure [options] <cloudflowApp> [config-key]


configures a deployed cloudflow application

  • --help detailed configure command help

  • <cloudflowApp> the cloudflow application

  • --conf <value> the configuration file/s in HOCON format

  • config-key the configuration keys for the overrides

  • --logback-config <value> the logback configuration to be applied

  • --microservices EXPERIMENTAL: Deploy on Akka Cloud Platform

  • -n, --namespace <value> the namespace to be used

  • -o, --output <value> available options are: c or classic, t or table, json, yaml

Command: configuration

configuration [options] <cloudflowApp>


show the current configuration of a cloudflow application

  • <cloudflowApp> the name of the cloudflow application

  • -n, --namespace <value> the namespace to be used

  • -o, --output <value> available options are: c or classic, t or table, json, yaml