The Cloudflow Configuration Model

Cloudflow offers a flexible configuration model that lets you configure every aspect of the application deployment.

In this section, we are going to first provide a description of this configuration model, explore how a configuration can be applied, and see several illustrative examples.

Configuration Scopes: The Cloudflow Configuration Model

The Cloudflow configuration model is based on hierarchical scopes. These scopes range from broad settings for a runtime to specific settings for a streamlet instance.

Using this model, you can configure the following settings:

  • Runtime settings (for Akka, Spark, Flink, or any user-provided one)

  • Kubernetes container resource requirements

  • Streamlet Configuration Parameters for a particular instance

Cloudflow uses HOCON as syntax to specify the configuration. Using HOCON, the scopes are defined using a hierarchical structure for the configuration keys.

We have two main top-level scopes, one for streamlets and one for runtimes, as we can see here:







Configuring Streamlets Using the streamlet Scope

The configuration for a specific streamlet instance must be specified in a cloudflow.streamlets.[streamlet-name] scope. This scope can optionally contain three sections to configure the following aspects of a streamlet instance:

Table 1. Sub-scopes for the a streamlet configuration



configuration parameters


runtime-specific configuration


kubernetes resources


The example below shows this structure in action:

cloudflow {
  streamlets {
    my-streamlet {
      config-parameters {                   (1)
        // config parameter values go here
        my-config-parameter = "some-value"
      config {                              (2)
        // runtime settings go here
        akka.loglevel = "DEBUG"
      kubernetes {                          (3)
        pods.pod.containers.container {
          // kubernetes container settings go here
          resources {
            requests {
              memory = "512M"
            limits {
              memory = "1024M"
1 config-parameters section
2 config section
3 kubernetes section

You need to specify at least one of the sections shown above.

Configuration Parameters Settings

You can learn more about configuration parameters in Streamlet Configuration

Runtime Specific Settings

For configuration settings specific to the runtime you are using, please refer to the configuration options of the specific runtime. All settings provided under the config section are passed verbatim to the underlying runtime.

For example, consider the following configuration snippet:

cloudflow {
  streamlets {
    my-streamlet {
      config {
        spark.broadcast.compress = "true"

With this configuration, the setting spark.broadcast.compress = "true" is passed to the Spark runtime session of the specific my-streamlet instance.

It follows, that the configuration options that you can use in this section are dependent of the runtime used. Consult the documentation of your runtime of choice for more information.

Kubernetes Container Settings

Container resource requirements and environment variables can be set in the cloudflow.streamlets.[streamlet-name].kubernetes section. The example below shows how resource requirements are set specifically for a my-streamlet streamlet: {
  kubernetes.pods.pod.containers.container {
    env = [
          { name = "JAVA_OPTS"
            value = "-XX:MaxRAMPercentage=40.0"
            name = "FOO"
            value = "BAR"
    resources {
      requests {
        cpu = "500m"
        memory = "512Mi"
      limits {
        memory = "4Gi"

The above example shows that 500mcpu is requested, as well as 512Mi of memory. The pod is limited to use 4Gi of memory. It also shows how to set options to the JVM through an environment variable.

For runtimes that only deploy one pod per streamlet, the config path for the container settings is kubernetes.pods.pod.containers.container.

Spark and Flink create two types of pods:

  • Spark creates Driver and Executor pods

  • Flink creates JobManager and TaskManager pods

If you specify Kubernetes container settings via kubernetes.pods.pod.containers.container, the same settings will apply for all types of pods.

For Spark you can use the following paths:

  • For the Driver pods: kubernetes.pods.driver.containers.container

  • For the Executor pods: kubernetes.pods.executor.containers.container

For Flink you can use the following paths:

  • For the JobManager pods: kubernetes.pods.job-manager.containers.container

  • For the TaskManager pods: kubernetes.pods.task-manager.containers.container

You can also specify the Kubernetes container settings for all streamlets using a particular runtime. This is shown in the example below:

cloudflow.runtimes.spark {
  kubernetes.pods {
    driver.containers.container {
      resources {
        requests {
          cpu = "1"
          memory = "1Gi"
        limits {
          memory = "2Gi"

    executor.containers.container {
      resources {
        requests {
          cpu = "2"
          memory = "2Gi"
        limits {
          memory = "6Gi"

The above example shows specific container settings for the Spark driver and executor pods. In this case the driver pods will request 1 cpu and 1Gi of memory, limited to 2Gi of memory. The executors will be requesting 2 cpus, 2Gi of memory, limited to 6Gi.

We explore the runtime configuration in more detail in the next section.

Configuring a Runtime using the runtime Scope

Configuration for all streamlets of a runtime can be specified in a cloudflow.runtimes.[runtime].config section. The configuration specified in cloudflow.runtimes.[runtime].config is merged as fallback, streamlet specific configuration takes precedence. An example is shown below:

cloudflow {
  runtimes {
    akka {
      config {
        akka.loglevel = "DEBUG"
      kubernetes {
        pods.pod.containers.container {
          // kubernetes container settings go here
          env = [
              name = "JAVA_OPTS"
              value = "-XX:MaxRAMPercentage=40.0 -Djdk.nio.maxCachedBufferSize=1048576"

          resources {
            requests {
              cpu = 2
              memory = "512M"
            limits {
              memory = "1024M"

Another example shows that you can provide configuration for all the runtimes your application uses, in this case Akka and Spark:

cloudflow.runtimes {
  spark.config {
  akka.config {
    akka {
      log-level = "INFO"

Configuration Precedence

As a general rule, a specific scope always has precendece over a more general one.

A setting defined at the runtime scope will apply to all streamlets that use that runtime. But if a streamlet-specific configuration redefines the same setting, the more specific configuration will apply for that particular instance.

The combined example shown below specifies that by default the akka.loglevel setting should be set to INFO. Specifically for my-streamlet the log-level overrides this default and is set to DEBUG. {
  akka {
    log-level = "DEBUG"
cloudflow.runtimes.akka.config {
  akka {
    log-level = "INFO"

Configuration Paths as Keys

Paths can be used as keys in HOCON, which is shown in the example below: {
  config-parameters {
    // config parameter values go here
  config {
    // runtime settings go here
  kubernetes.pods.pod.containers.container {
    // kubernetes container settings go here

An example of only setting an Akka configuration value is shown below: {
  akka {
    log-level = "DEBUG"

Which can be collapsed further as is shown in the example below: = "DEBUG"

Applying a Configuration

A streamlet can be configured at deployment time with kubectl cloudflow deploy or re-configured at runtime with kubectl cloudflow configure. These commands deploy or restart streamlets as necessary.

Configuration values can be set for all streamlets of a particular runtime at once, or they can be set for a specific streamlet.

The configuration can be specified via file arguments or passed directly on the command line.

Configuring a Streamlet using Configuration Files

Let’s look at an example of passing a configuration file to the deploy command:

$ kubectl cloudflow deploy target/my-app.json --conf my-config.conf

In the above example the my-app application is deployed with a my-config.conf configuration file.

Configuration files are merged by concatenating the files passed with --conf flags. The last --conf [file] argument can override values specified in earlier --conf [file] arguments. In the example below, where the same configuration path is used in file1.conf and file2.conf, the configuration value in file2.conf takes precedence, overriding the value provided by file1.conf:

$ kubectl cloudflow deploy swiss-knife.json --conf file1.conf --conf file2.conf

Configuring a Streamlet using Command Line Arguments

It is also possible to pass configuration values directly as command line arguments, as [config-path]=value pairs separated by a space. The [config-path] must be an absolute path to the value, exactly how it would be defined in a config file, using configuration paths.

Let’s see some examples:

Set the log-level for the akka runtime for streamlet akka-process to DEBUG
$ {cli-plugin} cloudflow deploy target/swiss-knife.json \
  cloudflow.streamlets.akka-process.config.akka.log-level = "DEBUG"
Set the memoryOverhead of the Spark driver runtime configuration to 512 (Mb)
$ {cli-plugin} cloudflow deploy target/swiss-knife.json \
Set the streamlet configuration parameter configurable-message for streamlet spark-process to SPARK-OUTPUT:
$ {cli-plugin} cloudflow deploy target/swiss-knife.json \
  cloudflow.runtimes.spark.config.spark.driver.memoryOverhead=512 \

The arguments passed with [config-key]=[value] pairs take precedence over the files passed through with the --conf flags.

What’s Next

Now that we have mastered the configuration options in Cloudflow, we should learn about Composing applications using blueprints and how they help us to assemble streamlets into end-to-end applications.