Installing Cloudflow Enterprise components

This instruction shows how to install the Cloudflow Enterprise components. These components are available to Lightbend Subscription customers.

Installing Enterprise components

Before installing, you need to make sure you have the credentials required to download the cloudflow-enterprise components from the Lightbend commercial repository.

Add the Lightbend Helm repository and update the local index:

helm repo add cloudflow-helm-charts
helm repo update

Install the components, note that you set the $DOCKER_USERNAME and $DOCKER_PASSWORD environment variables before executing this command. Set $DOCKER_USERNAME and $DOCKER_PASSWORD to the username and password of the Lightbend commercial repository.

We recommend using the following command to create an environment variable for username and password (here username/password are your credentials to the Lightbend docker repository - bintray). This is to avoid storing this information in the shell’s history file.

If you want to see the password typed in, remove the -s (for silent) flag.

Once configured, we can execute the Helm command to install the Cloudflow enterprise components. Note how we use the $DOCKER_USERNAME and $DOCKER_PASSWORD in the Helm command.

helm install cloudflow-enterprise-components cloudflow-helm-charts/cloudflow-enterprise-components \
  --namespace cloudflow \
  --set enterpriseOperator.version=2.0.11 \
  --set enterprise-suite.imageCredentials.username="$DOCKER_USERNAME" \
  --set enterprise-suite.imageCredentials.password="$DOCKER_PASSWORD"

After we have used the username and password environment variables, we can clear them by closing the shell or executing the following commands:


To quickly verify that the installation worked, you can open a proxy to the Lightbend console service and confirm that you can access the Lightbend console UI.

First, create the port-forward.

kubectl port-forward -n cloudflow svc/console-server 5000:80

Then open the following URL in your browser: http://localhost:5000

This opens the Lightbend Console in your browser.

Upgrading Cloudflow

If you need to upgrade Cloudflow to a newer version, Upgrading Cloudflow in the administration section will show you how.