Configuration Scopes

The Cloudflow configuration model allows to set the scope of the settings for a runtime or for a streamlet instance.

Configuring Streamlets Using the streamlet Scope

The configuration for a specific streamlet instance must be specified in a cloudflow.streamlets.[streamlet-name] scope. This scope can optionally contain three sections to configure the following aspects of a streamlet instance:

Table 1. Configurations available for the streamlet



steamlet config params


runtime-specific settings


kubernetes settings


You can learn more about it in Configurations Available

The example below shows this structure in action:

cloudflow {
  streamlets {
    my-streamlet {
      config-parameters {                   (1)
        // config parameter values go here
        my-config-parameter = "some-value"
        another-config-parameter = "default-value"
        another-config-parameter = ${?MY_VAR}
      config {                              (2)
        // runtime settings go here
        akka.loglevel = "DEBUG"
      kubernetes {                          (3)
        pods.pod.containers.container {
          // kubernetes container settings go here
          resources {
            requests {
              memory = "512M"
            limits {
              memory = "1024M"
1 streamlet-parameters section
2 runtime-specific section
3 kubernetes section

You need to specify at least one of the sections shown above.

Configuring a Runtime using the runtime Scope

Configuration for all streamlets of a runtime can be specified in a cloudflow.runtimes.[runtime].config section. The configuration specified in cloudflow.runtimes.[runtime].config is merged as fallback, streamlet specific configuration takes precedence. An example is shown below:

cloudflow {
  runtimes {
    akka {
      config {
        akka.loglevel = "DEBUG"
      kubernetes {
        pods.pod.containers.container {
          // kubernetes container settings go here
          env = [
              name = "JAVA_OPTS"
              value = "-XX:MaxRAMPercentage=40.0 -Djdk.nio.maxCachedBufferSize=1048576"

          resources {
            requests {
              cpu = 2
              memory = "512M"
            limits {
              memory = "1024M"

Another example shows that you can provide configuration for all the runtimes your application uses. In this case, will cover Akka and Spark:

cloudflow.runtimes {
  spark.config {
  akka.config {
    akka {
      log-level = "INFO"