Akka Streamlet utilities
Use case
An GrpcServerLogic
can be used to handle gRPC requests.
You need to extend your streamlet from AkkaServerStreamlet
so that Cloudflow will expose an HTTP endpoint in Kubernetes.
gRPC is a contract-first technology, so you start by adding
the protobuf definition for the service you want to expose
to src/main/protobuf
. In this example we will implement a
simple request-response service:
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "sensordata.grpc";
option java_outer_classname = "SensorDataProto";
package sensordata;
service SensorDataService {
rpc Provide (SensorData) returns (SensorReply) {}
message SensorData {
string payload = 1;
message SensorReply {
string message = 1;
Because the Akka gRPC plugin is embedded in
Cloudflow, the code for the service will automatically be generated when you
compile this service. In this case, a sensordata.grpc.SensorDataService
will be
generated that you can implement.
To expose your implementation, extend AkkaServerStreamlet
and use GrpcServerLogic
to add your gRPC handlers:
- Scala
import akka.grpc.scaladsl.ServerReflection import cloudflow.akkastream.util.scaladsl.GrpcServerLogic import sensordata.grpc.{ SensorData, SensorDataService, SensorDataServiceHandler } class SensorDataIngress extends AkkaServerStreamlet { // ... override def createLogic = new GrpcServerLogic(this) { override def handlers() = List(SensorDataServiceHandler.partial(new SensorDataServiceImpl(sinkRef(out))), ServerReflection.partial(List(SensorDataService))) }
- Java
import akka.grpc.javadsl.ServerReflection; import cloudflow.akkastream.util.javadsl.GrpcServerLogic; import sensordata.grpc.SensorDataServiceHandlerFactory; public class SensorDataIngress extends AkkaServerStreamlet { // ... public AkkaStreamletLogic createLogic() { return new GrpcServerLogic(this, getContext()) { public List<Function<HttpRequest, CompletionStage<HttpResponse>>> handlers() { return Arrays.asList( SensorDataServiceHandlerFactory.partial(new SensorDataServiceImpl(sinkRef(out)), SensorDataService.name, system()), ServerReflection.create(Arrays.asList(SensorDataService.description), system())); } }; } }
In this example, SensorDataServiceImpl
is your implementation that extends
the generated sensordata.grpc.SensorDataService
) are also generated classes.
comes from the akka-grpc-runtime
library and allows tools
like grpcurl to use
Server Reflection
to discover your API’s dynamically.
External access
gRPC services use HTTP/2 as a transport mechanism. Cloudflow supports both HTTP and HTTP/2 on the port exposed by the pod.
There are 3 ways to use HTTP/2:
With TLS
Without TLS ('h2c'), using the
mechanism to negotiate between using HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 -
Without TLS ('h2c'), without negotiation (which assumes the client has prior knowledge that the server supports HTTP/2)
LoadBalancer Service
By creating a service of type LoadBalancer
you can expose your services using a direct TCP loadbalancer.
This means all features supported by the underlying implementation are available.
Limitations of this approach are that you are restricted to 1 service per IP, and more advanced features such as TLS termination and path-based routing are not available.
Nginx Ingress
The approach described in the Setting up external access section will technically work for gRPC services as well, but there are a number of caveats:
Nginx, by default, will only support h2c via the Upgrade
mechanism. Because this mechanism is more
complicated than the other 2 approaches, client support for this mechanism is not ubiquitous. Also, the
loadbalancer will use HTTP/1 rather than HTTP/2 to the service. While this may happen to work it is
not optimal.